1. Online Application form
You will be required to submit your personal and educational details and upload a resume. To apply, you need to meet the criteria for the program which can be found here.
2. Online psychometric assessment
If you are successful from the online application, you will also be asked to complete an online psychometric assessment.
3. Assessment centre
A select number of applicants will progress through to an Assessment Centre. This involves a number of different activities designed to assess your capabilities. We are looking for responses that provide us insight into how you might behave in work situations.
4. Reference Checks
Our recruitment team will contact previous employers, schools, colleges or other sources you provide us with to learn more about your employment history, educational background and qualifications.
5. Offer
This will be made over the phone and your contract will be emailed to you. As part of the offer pack, you will be required to satisfactorily complete an ASIC Suitability and Baseline Assessment to determine your suitability for employment.
Have questions?
Read our Graduate FAQs.