Graduate Geotechnical Engineer at Anglo American
3.30 AM
My alarm goes off! I am going underground today, so I decided to get to work early to clear my emails and prepare myself mentally for a busy day ahead. I grab a piece of fruit to eat on the way and kiss my wife and baby goodbye. We are lucky enough to live in Middlemount and reside in company housing, it certainly makes life easier to be so close to the mine.
5.00 AM
After arriving onsite, swiping in and saying hi to my team I head to the bathhouse to get ready to go underground. I change into the PPE, hard hat and gumboots, last by not least I get my headlamp and self-rescuer attached.
Getting ready to ensure I can attend the toolbox meeting in 5:30 am. Attending this meeting is essential as it highlights important information from the previous shift, as well as providing key findings on potential hazards or areas that require maintenance and also the location of the machinery and equipment we use underground.
5.30 AM
tall box talk and breakfast…
6.00 AM
I have a quick chat to the deputy of Main Gate 801, (location of my work today) he is the person to advise that I will be going into his district. This is done so that he can account for everyone in his district. The deputy is informed about me going to work in his district a day before, but I always like to check in with them as a reminder. I am doing an audit today of the tell-tail and an audit on the newly installed Mega bolts making sure that they are grouted as per Anglo Standard, Tell-Tales are a unique gadget that is installed in the roof of the mine so we can predict roof movement.
6.30 AM
I jump into the drifty. I get to drive today! It’s particularly exciting today- Main Gate 801 is where the action is at. Main Gate 801 is the next longwall, and installation of the longwall shearer and face equipment is about to come to an end, seeing part of the installation in progress and asking people installing the equipment how the system works gives the me a new understanding, appreciation and a more clear understanding of how the system functions. Aquila mine is the first automated longwall for Anglo American in Australia, Seeing the system in action is very impressive and mind blowing.
Longwall mining is a type of underground coal mining where a extended wall (Usually ranges between 100-300m long but may be longer) of coal is mined in a sole slice (classically 1-2 m thick). At Aquila the seam that is been mined ranges between 1.4 – 1.8m. The longwall "panel" (the slab of coal that is being mined) range between 2-4 km long and approximately 380 m broad.
The gate road all along one side of the block is known as the main gate; the road on the other side is known as the tailgate. These gate roads have been before urbanized by incessant miner units, as the longwall itself is not competent of the first development. The end of the block that comprises the longwall equipment is known as the face road. The other end of the block is normally one of the major travel roads of the mine. The cavity at the back the longwall is known as the goaf.
Fresh air goes up the main gate, athwart the face, and then down the tail gate. Once precedent the face the air is no more fresh air, except return air taking away coal dust and mine gases like methane, carbon dioxide, relying on the geology of the coal. Return air is taken out by ventilation fans mounted on the surface. A series of seals are up righted as mining progresses to uphold goaf gas levels.
7.30 AM
Before I start my Audit, I carry out a slam (STOP-LOOK-ASSESS-MANAGE) This a tool we use to assess hazards in a workplace.
I decide to do my Tell-Tale Audit first and once I finished that I go straight into Audit of newly installed Mega bolts making sure that they are grouted as per Anglo Standard, Due to the fast paced environment i am working in I have to be aware of all the activated in and around my work area and have positive communication between me and machinery operators.
9.30 AM
I walk back to the crib room and tell the deputy where I am. I called the CRO (control room Operator) to arrange a ‘taxi’ for me to come back to the surface. I give them my location and destination and wait for them to arrive. Today I need to wait 40 minutes, it’s extremely busy. I call the deputy once more and let him know I am leaving his district.
11.00 AM
I am back on the surface now, and am pretty dirty, so I clean up before i head back to my desk.
12.00 PM
Time for some food! I use this time to catch up with a mate in a relaxed environment. I bring my own lunch from home, today I am having pasta!
1.00 PM
After lunch I head back to my desk to enter all the data I collected from the audits. I work very closely with the senior Geotech so I ask if there is anything else I can help with. I like asking because I always find I learn something new when I do this.
2.00 PM
I am responsible to collect and collate all the Geotechnical work orders from Deputies, and this provides me with an opportunity to catch up with more stakeholders in the business.
3.00 PM
I am now using AutoCAD to help out with some designs. I am not an expert in AutoCAD but I have a great team and the team set me some tasks so help me learn and were always happy to answer any questions.
4.30 PM
I am off home now, I am tired but really looking forward to my wife and son. I have started walking in the evenings with a fellow colleague so I stop in at home and bring my little boy with me. We love living in Middlemount-It’s a great place for young kids and my wife enjoys mothers group activities at the library, and we make good use of the local pool.