The graduate program is pretty unstructured, however this looks to be changing. The regular check ins/performance reviews/ touchpoints help to provide career goals and ways to achieve them. They are also a good opportunity to receive constructive feedback on your performance.
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Nov 2022
Most of the training is on the job training and I am still learning.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Nov 2022
We have meetings every two weeks to talk about new things we have learnt, be it related specifically to GIS or more general. Formal training isn't something I have taken advantage off yet, but it has been heavily encouraged and would be expansible
Intern, Brisbane - 29 Nov 2022
Training through real projects teaches both soft and technical skills.
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Nov 2022
On the job training is the primary method of training in my role, where graduates work with a more senior team member on all projects until the role can be done autonomously. There are opportunities to be enrolled in off-site courses where needed, where the company cover the cost of this training.
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Nov 2022
Informal training is fantastic, but formal training can sometimes be challenging to obtain funding for.
Intern, Sydney - 29 Nov 2022
Much of the training and development I've done was very informal. More job specific training would have been good from the beginning.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Nov 2022
Pretty good! I have had a good introduction to all the different arms of the business. The Legal team training is fantastic!
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Nov 2022
Arcadis requires employees to complete induction training when they first start. They also have a program for learning more about the company and different aspects of the business where they are trying to focus on/improve. After completing that training, the company offers the opportunity to participate in a multi-day workshop, which has previously taken participants to locations around the world.
Intern, Sydney - 29 Nov 2022