Updating Results

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Mekayla McMahon

Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Commerce at Griffith University

I have a weekly catch-up with my manager. In this meeting I can discuss the work I have been doing and if I have any questions.

6:30 AM

My alarm goes off and I get ready for the day.

7.00 AM

I head to the train station, I have an hour's commute so I will usually read or sit with a friend.

8.15 AM

I arrive at the office, log on and begin my day by reading our daily briefing of news and current affairs relating to APRA.

8.45 AM

I check any new emails and prioritise the tasks I need to get done today.

9.00 AM

My manager approaches me and invites me to an entity meeting later on in the day.

9.05 AM – 10.00 AM

I begin drafting a letter to a peer regulator that needs to be signed by a senior manager.

10.00 AM

Some colleagues and I grab a coffee.

APRA Mekayla McMahon drinking coffee

10.15 AM

I return to my desk and continue drafting the letter I was doing earlier, I also draft a memo to the senior manager on our proposed disclosure.

12.00 PM

Some colleagues and I go buy some lunch together.

1.00 PM

I return to my desk and draft an email to organise some travel arrangements. I will be going to Sydney for some training in a couple of weeks, so I want to make sure my flights and accommodation have been sorted.

APRA Mekayla McMahon working on her desk

1.30 PM

We have an office wide town hall meeting to discuss any upcoming events and we are told about any interesting projects APRA is undertaking.

2.00 PM

I have a weekly catch up with my manager. In this meeting I can discuss the work I have been doing and if I have any questions. I will also let my manager know if I have capacity for more work or if am running out of capacity.

2.30 PM

I attend the entity meeting that my manager invited me to earlier in the day. The meeting is with a bank and the attendees include the CEO, CRO and Head of Legal and Compliance. From APRA, the attendees include myself, my manager and a principal analyst. The bank informs us of their new strategy and we are able to ask any questions about their presentation.

3.30 PM

I hop straight into another meeting. This meeting is with a ‘buddy’. This is a more informal chat where I can ask any ‘silly’ questions I may have and chat about more casual things.

4.15 PM

I reply to a couple emails and send off the draft memo and letter that I had written earlier. I am hoping to get some feedback before forwarding it to the senior manager.

4.45 PM

I make sure nothing urgent needs to be done and start wrapping up my day.

5.00 PM

I head for the train and begin my commute home.

6.30 PM

I arrive home and cook dinner, tonight we are having some tacos.

8.00 PM

I unwind from the busy day by watching TV before I head to bed in an hour or so.

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