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Sanam Misthry

Engineer Graduate at BHP

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) at The University of Queensland (UQ)

Field Leadership is an opportunity to have open conversations about safety and ensure controls are in place and procedures are evaluated to determine if they are up to date.

4.45 AM

Alarm goes off – I usually hit snooze another two times to maximise my sleep. I get ready for work and head to the mess to have breakfast. I love having a variety of breakfast options, from bacon and eggs to fresh fruit and cereal. Today, I’ve decided on toast with peanut butter.

I hop into my car and make the short commute to Olympic Dam from Roxby Downs.

5.30 AM

I arrive on site and get changed into my PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). I love wearing PPE because it means I don’t have to worry about outfits for the week and all our laundry is done on site - it’s a win-win situation for me! I get to my desk and check my emails. I flag the ones that require a more detailed response so I can action these later.

6.00 AM

Whilst having a quick chat with my colleagues to catch up on their weekend, I put on my safety gear before I make my way into the mine.

Prior to heading into the mine, I complete a pre-start check on our vehicle to make sure that it’s functional and all safety systems are in working condition. This includes checking the braking system, fire suppression system and numerous fluid levels. We then begin our drive into the underground mine!

Sanam Misthry completing a pre-start check on their vehicle


6.50 AM

We attend the daily pre-start meeting with the work crews to discuss any hazards identified the previous day and works planned for the day. This is a great time to catch up with some of the operators before they head off to their working areas for the shift.

Sanam Misthry in a meeting with work crews.

7.30 AM

With a few minutes to spare before our weekly Production Improvement meeting, I use this time to follow up with a few stakeholders for some of my projects – having a face-to-face chat is definitely the best way to get things done!

This meeting involves a discussion with supervisors from each crew to evaluate any improvement ideas from our operators. These ideas are centred around making our operational environment safer for all workers whilst considering uplift in our productivity. Some of these improvements include installing better seats in our trucks to improve ergonomics or installing additional cameras on our production drill rigs for safer tramming. We also provide an update on current improvement projects and any actions required.

Sanam Misthry meeting with her supervisors.

9.30 AM

On our way out of the mine, we complete Field Leadership with one of our loader operators. Field Leadership is an opportunity to have open conversations about safety and ensure controls are in place and procedures are evaluated to determine if they are up to date. This presents an opportunity for a new set of eyes to identify additional hazards or suggest an easier, potentially more efficient, way to complete a task. Today I sat in the loader cabin for the first time, whilst the operator explained how the machine worked and its many controls – how cool is that?!

Sanam Misthry inside a mine.

10.30 AM

Quick pit stop at the quarry to retrieve data from our weighbridge, which I will analyse later in the day. The weighbridge was recently installed to provide more data regarding the weight and density of the payloads in our haul trucks. I am analysing this data to determine new tub factors to improve our reporting, and to understand how our crews are loading the trucks. Too much in the tray results in more wear of the trucks, but too little means less production – it’s very much a fine balancing act!

Sanam Misthry standing near the truck

11.00 AM

Finally at my desk and ready to crack on for the rest of the day. I check my emails and reply to any that require immediate action – I usually do this while having a snack to keep me going until lunch. I update my task list and prioritise my work for the rest of the day.

Sanam Misthry sitting on her desk.


12.00 PM

Lunchtime – a quick break to refuel and socialise with my team. I pack my favourite food from dinner the previous night or enjoy a wrap or sandwich in the comfort of our crib room. I also keep a few pies in the freezer for days I forget my lunch or just feel like indulging.

12.30 PM

Back to my desk to begin my data analysis. There’s a lot to do so this will keep me busy for a few hours or even days. Definitely, on my way to becoming an Excel guru!

2.30 PM

Risk assessment time! For every new project, a risk assessment is always completed to ensure that we identify all impacts a change or project may have on our operations. This usually involves all stakeholders in one room identifying hazard scenarios for each task or activity. The stakeholders can include personnel from across the business to external suppliers, and is a great opportunity to learn something new and expand your network. Today, I am facilitating the risk assessment for a trial of a new payload weighing system to be installed on one of our haul trucks.

Sanam Misthry facilitating the risk assessment.


3.30 PM

That went smoothly! Now, to spend some time finalising the risk assessment before I send it for final review and approval. This is usually done via email with actions assigned and a strict deadline.

4.30 PM

By now, I am ready to wind down so I make my way back to camp. My afternoon routine varies between exercising and playing sport. Roxby Downs is a very sports-oriented community so there are numerous sporting competitions and courts available for some friendly competition with your co-workers.

6.00 PM

The best part about living in the camp is that I don’t have to worry about cooking. I just rock up to the mess after my afternoon activity and dinner is ready to go. Tonight, I’ve decided on fish and chips - my guilty pleasure for the week. There are about forty graduates at Olympic Dam so there’s always a familiar face to enjoy dinner with and never a shortage of conversation.

7.00 – 9.00 PM

The last hour or two of the day is spent getting ready for bed, catching up with family and friends, reading, Netflixing, or getting lost in a deep internet rabbit hole. I require at least eight hours of sleep to be fully functional, so it’s lights off for me.