Technology Graduate at BHP
Doctor of Philosophy (Electrical Engineering) at University of Sydney (USYD)
5.30 AM
IT’S MONDAY!!! Time to wake up and get ready for my morning run.
5.45 AM
I go for a run through NEW Farm Park and take the running path along the riverside. I enjoy running and love the morning fresh air of Brisbane and its beautiful scenery along the riverside. I usually listen to a variety of podcasts ranging from history to new state-of-the-art technologies.
6.45 AM
After finishing my run, I take a shower, have my breakfast and get ready to go to work. My commute to BHP’s office is very convenient as I live very close to the city and it only takes me 20 minutes on foot to get to the office.
7.30 AM
I usually arrive at work at 7.30 and a few minutes are always dedicated to chatting with my colleagues and hearing how everyone is going, especially about what we all did over the weekend. Brisbane office is a hotdesking office, which gives employees the opportunity to choose desks at their convenience. For example, if you need more concentration to do your tasks, there are desks with partition walls or quiet rooms that you can choose.
7.45 AM
I start my work by checking my emails. I receive a high percentage of my emails overnight. This is because my team is very diverse in location from the east to the west of Australia and the majority of the team is located in Chile, South America. BHP is a multinational mining company and we do have mine sites in different parts of the world. I skip through my emails. I responded to the majority of them and flagged one or two that needed more detailed responses.
9.00 AM
I have my weekly team meeting. In this meeting, everyone provides a high-level update of what they have done during the week to the rest of the team. This meeting provides a big picture of the current stage of the project to the whole team and assures us everything is in line in order to deliver the project on time to our stakeholders. This meeting is only an hour long therefore we have to be very sharp and brief in the update that we provide to the team. In addition to this, we don’t want to keep our Chilean colleagues too long since the local time of this meeting in Chile is 8 PM. The majority of Chilean colleagues join the meeting through WebEx at their home which is part of BHP flexible working culture.
10.00 AM
Time for my quick coffee break and have my daily dose of caffeine.
10.15 AM
I am a graduate data scientist and my role in the team is to analyse different types of data. One of the tasks that is assigned to me is to analyse data of geo sensors implemented at our mine site in Chile. I receive sensors’ data daily via email. I process data by writing codes and building dashboards in order to provide real-time value assessment. After analysing this data, it is used as one of tools to validate the progress of our project and confirm the project is on track.
12.30 PM
It’s now time for my lunch break. I have my lunch in the kitchen where I can enjoy the company of my colleagues. One of my colleagues and I enrolled in an online Data Science course together and sometimes, we use our lunch time to do our assignments which makes doing this course a great deal of fun.
1.30 PM
Back to my desk to work on the second project that I am involved in. I dedicate my afternoons to work on a research project that I have been assigned to. The project involves using machine learning techniques to search for some trends and patterns in mining data. The result of my project can be used as a tool to flag areas in the mine with higher revenue using adjusted mine planning strategies. This is an interesting but very challenging project. However, I have a chance to be part of a multi-disciplinary team. In the team, we have professionals with diverse backgrounds from mine engineers and geologists to physicists and applied mathematicians creating a diverse team. Having a diverse team is a great advantage for me as I can reach out to my team members and use their useful advice and ideas whenever I have a question or face a technical issue. Given that I am the only one from my team that is based in Brisbane, I communicate with my team using email or video conferencing tools like WebEx enabling us to have a more collaborative discussion.
5.00 PM
It’s now time for me to pack up my desk and head off for the day!