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Stephen Kartawira

IT Project Coordinator at DHL

Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) at Western Sydney University

I like to be organised and meeting deadlines is very important so I plan my day out by creating an agenda/to-do list and prioritise these tasks.

6.00 AM

Rise and shine! To start the day I have my breakfast and check the news on what made the headlines around the world including sports scores of course. I change my clothes and then it's straight out the door.

7.00 AM

Before I head to the office I go to the gym to fit some cardio in for the day. It’s important to get the heart pumping and get some exercise, as they say, sitting is considered the new smoking!

8.00 AM

As I arrive in the office I try to get through as many emails as possible and start the working day with an empty inbox. I check my calendar to see what lies ahead and prepare myself for the day. I like to be organised and meeting deadlines is very important so I plan my day out by creating an agenda/to-do list and prioritise these tasks. I squeeze in a quick coffee break to get my daily dose of caffeine, which helps me stay alert for the rest of the day.


9.00 AM

We have an IT Townhall scheduled with the New Zealand DHL IT Team via video call. The whole IT Team is invited for the opening of our innovation centre based at Rhodes, Sydney. It was thrilling to be one of the first people to step inside the centre and see all the latest technology being used in our business. Our speaker today is the Chief Information Officer for DHL Asia Pacific who flew in yesterday from Singapore. We are given a business update and are informed on all the exciting ventures heading our way. We also listen about new projects and new customers won and all of our achievements thus far. It is always very rewarding to receive recognition about the projects and teams you are involved in. 

10.30 AM

I am currently working on the implementation of a new customer. This project involves the configuration, testing and support of DHL Supply Chain IT solutions under the guidance of an IT Solutions Analyst. I communicate with the client's IT team to handover for some testing to be completed. I play an important role in being the central IT customer point of contact with the customer and manage the communication during the IT component of this project. 

12.30 PM

Time for some lunch and get a break.


1.00 PM

My first meeting is scheduled with the client of my project. Project Managers and IT Analysts from both parties (some whom have dialed from the U.S) are involved to discuss multiple scope changes requested by the client. We consider that the scope changes requested involve adjustments to IT requirements and will ultimately affect timelines and costing’s to the overall project. The new requirement specifications are agreed on and are then translated into objectives and is discussed that these objectives are met within the agreed time/costs.

2.00 PM

I return to my desk and continue on with my project. Additionally, I check on the IT Ticket register as I am responsible for completing any support tickets that are assigned to me and delivering IT support services to the business. I see a high priority ticket in the queue and jump on this instantly. It is vital that these tickets are being resolved in order of priority or being directed to the correct vendor enabling the required business processes needed for the business to continue and succeed. 


3.00 PM

No time wasting and I’m off to my second meeting of the day. As the Employee Opinion Survey (EOS) representative for IT, I have organised a meeting with all the managers of each IT Team along with the Head of IT for Australia. I present to them results from the latest survey and emphasise our strengths and weaknesses in IT. We brainstorm ideas and debate on action items targeting areas we need to focus on for the next 12 months. I take note on all the suggested proposals in the meeting minutes, jot down rough timelines, email this out and schedule another meeting to finalise plans. In IT, we are really focusing on employee engagement and believing in the philosophy of having a work-life balance.

4.00 PM

Any items I need to action off by today I complete, as I do not like leaving things for the next day. I formulate an action list in my calendar to complete for the following day with new deadlines I must meet. Before I leave the office I provide my manager with a brief update on the progress of my project to ensure that all deliverables are on track. 


5.00 PM

It’s that time of the week when the pants are replaced with shorts and the carpet is traded with grass. I head to the park with the rest of the IT crew for our weekly IT soccer match and do some stretches before kick-off. This is a great way to socialise and catch up with other people in the office and see the whole IT Team together outside in the sunshine. 


6.30 PM

I’m glad it's time for the ride home where I can enjoy some alone time in the car and listen to some music without the disturbance of any emails or phone calls.