There was an initial cognitive ability test type thing. After that there was a short screening interview and then a final interview split between technical skills and personality-based questions. I was living in another country than my recruiter and it was still a very smooth process. It was about two weeks from initial application to being offered a position.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Oct 2023
Hiring process is very well done. Recruiters provide additional resources to help you prepare for your interview.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Oct 2023
It's challenging which makes it more appealing when you are selected
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Jul 2023
Round of interviews - no assessments.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Oct 2022
I applied, got contacted by a recruiter, who was excellent. I then did a video interview, which I passed, then a aptitude test, then had a few more interviews in the assessment centre.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Oct 2022
1. Phone interview 2. Assessment Centre 3. Logical and reasoning test 4. interviews
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Mar 2021
Interview process was good, however there was a slight delay on getting me onboarded but the clients onboarding process is very slow.
Midlevel, Sydney - 24 Feb 2021
Interview process was simple and assessments were relatively easy
Graduate, Sydney - 22 Feb 2021
Apply for the job with a resume, speak with a recruitment manager over the phone a few times, attend an assessment centre where you discuss the role with multiple departments, get a role offer.
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Feb 2021
Three stages of assessment, with very fast response time and great levels of feedback from recruiters
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Feb 2021
In order: - 1 phone interviews - 2 face-to-face (skype) interviews: HR, behavioural and technical - IT Aptitude test
Graduate, Sydney - 17 Sep 2019
1. phone interview 2. Formal interviews 3. assessment centre
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Sep 2019
The recruitment team responded to my application within a day, set up a follow-up phone interview, followed by a skype interview the next week. The whole process only took a week, and I started two weeks after I was selected
Graduate, Sydney - 27 Aug 2019
4 Rounds: 1- informal phone interview, 2 - formal phone interview asking what you know about the company, why you want to work for their clients, 3 - Assessment Centre, 4-interviews with an HR, Sales and training representative, 4 - online assessment if you pass the assessment centre
Graduate, Sydney - 23 Aug 2019
Prescreen phone interview, Assessment Centre with strengths based interviews and then an aptitude test
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2019
1. Telephone Interview 2. Assessment Centre (composed of (2a) Technical Interview, (2b) Sales Interview, (2c) Behavioural/Competency-Based Interview, & (2d) Technical Aptitude/Psychometric Online Exam
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2019
Assessment day consisting of multiple interviews
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Jun 2019