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TJ Morly-Buchanan

Talent Specialist – EUC/Modern Workplace at Hudson

Bachelor of Behavioural Science at QUT (Queensland University of Technology)

As my role can be quite self-motivated and self-directed, it's great to set a clear direction for myself in order to get the best results.

6.40 AM

Wake up, eat brekky, and get ready for the day! I usually try to have some eggs on toast, but depending on how late I may sleep in, we may just even grab some muesli bars.

7.40 AM

Catch the bus to work. On my way, I like to check my emails to ensure I can respond to anything urgent, as well as mentally prepare for the day. As the commute from the south side can take 30-40 minutes depending on traffic, I also like to listen to some music! I listen to my 90's hip-hop playlist these days, but that may easily change to Rock, Classical, or anything else under the sun!

tj at his desk

8.30 AM

Once I’m sat at my desk, I write down my tasks for the day in my planner as well as set/check in with my broader goals for the week. As my role can be quite self-motivated and self-directed, it's great to set a clear direction for myself in order to get the best results.

Most importantly though, I use this time to grab a coffee and have a chat with my amazing colleagues. These chats help put me in a great state of mind going forward!

tj with workmate

9.00 AM

By this stage, I've started to source candidates for my current jobs. As a new starter, most of my time is spent sourcing candidates for roles. This involves searching for appropriately qualified candidates via Seek, LinkedIn, our own database and word of mouth. I then chat with candidates to see if they are the right fit for the position and if they're right for the job I then arrange to submit their details to the client for consideration.

12.00 PM

Lunch time now, and I usually either bring in lunch from home, or we go out to lunch together with some of the other people in the office. Banh Mi is a particular favourite here in our Brisbane office, however, if it's cheating day and I've worked particularly hard during that week, I may even sneak off to grab some KFC!

1.00 PM

By this time in the day, I'm continuing to source roles, but by now other candidate/client communication may arise. When not sourcing, I'm spending my time liaising with clients to organize interviews, finalising placements, negotiate rates, as well as further break down what clients require for their position.

Throughout the day, I may also meet with candidates and clients over coffee or lunch (if they’re based in Brisbane), or over Teams for a virtual chat. We use these moments to establish relationships with clients and candidates, so we can better situate the relevant party with a person or opportunity that fits their needs.

It’s worth noting that throughout the day, I can go for a walk, grab a coffee, and clear my head where I need to. It’s a very relaxed office environment, and everyone knows the job they need to do, so it’s fine to take a break here and there.

tj playing with workmate

5.00 PM

At the end of the day, I’ll write down in my planner to go over what I’ve accomplished, what I still need to do, as well as goals for tomorrow and the rest of the week. This helps to plan for the next day, as well as track my progress in accomplishing my short- and long-term goals.

tj typing on a keyboard

empty office

5.30 PM

After work, I’ll usually head straight to the gym to get in a good workout sesh, but usually, on Fridays, we’ll grab a cheeky drink to kick off the weekend!