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Application Process & Interviews at Hudson

8.5 rating for Recruitment, based on 6 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
After either being scouted by Hudson or by applying, there will be a phone screen if your application looks promising. If the phone screen is successful, you complete some screening assessments. These include a personality test and an intelligence test, which aim to assess your competencies relative to the job. You then come in for an interview with your direct manager. If this is successful, you meet with the managing director of your area for a final interview.
Graduate, Brisbane - 21 Apr 2022
Quite straightforward and thorough; call interview followed by psychometric tests, then a video interview with prospective managers then a final interview with the director.
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Apr 2022
Past initial application, I had a phone screen with the lovely Kellie! And a teams interview with the Head of NZ (Adam Barratt), an online psychometric test, and a final interview with Peter Noblet (MD - Tech). Within the span of one week, I went from application to offer.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Apr 2022
Contact with hiring manager, then two interviews with two different managers, with main manager updating me on the process after
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Apr 2022
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
I was asked a lot about what I enjoy and am passionate about. I was also asked behavioural based questions about situations I've faced in the past and how I handled them, specifically about times I have been under pressure or had to overcome challenges.
Graduate, Brisbane - 21 Apr 2022
My background and skills; why I think I am suited for this role; what about the industry excites me/am I interested in; what keeps me motivated.
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Apr 2022
Resilience and persistence was a major focus across the interviews, this was what I stepped away from the conversations remembering most.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Apr 2022
Standard interview questions, could be more targeted in what candidates would actually want to get out of Hudson
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Apr 2022
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Be yourself - don't try and fit a certain stereotype you think recruiters are. Hudson celebrates people from different backgrounds and recognises a wide variety of skills. Make sure you read through Hudson's website so you know what we are about before you go in, and think about your own experiences so you aren't put on the spot when asked to think of scenarios!
Graduate, Brisbane - 21 Apr 2022
Research on the company and what they do; Prepare at least 3 questions to ask to your interviewer so you can understand the role and company better; treat it like an in-person interview even if online; give examples of work you've done.
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Apr 2022
If there is a recruiter name at the bottom of the ad - give them a call! I reached out to a mutual friend to gain insight into the recruitment world before my interviews and applications. This gave me a thorough insight into what the job looked like on a day-to-day basis and gave me confidence when answering any interview questions.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Apr 2022
- To be 100% honest with the answers you provide.
Graduate, Sydney - 19 Apr 2022