Updating Results

Inland Revenue

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Working Hours at Inland Revenue

9.2 rating for Working Hours, based on 20 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
My hours are good, and I rarely have to stay later than 5:30pm. I am now able to WFH when it suits, given I have had a couple of months in the office, learning off others.
Graduate, Wellington - 16 Jul 2024
Very flexible. worked 9-5pm at standard time.
Graduate, Wellington - 15 Jul 2024
Work hours are pretty standard with 8 hours days, I am in the office 3 days a week typically Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursday to align with my managers office days. There is flexibility as in you don't have to work from 9am to 5pm for example you could do 7am to 3pm if that suited you more.
Graduate, Wellington - 11 Jul 2024
Very flexible - you are in charge of working your contractual hours but can decide on start/finish times
Graduate, Wellington - 11 Jul 2024
The hours are flexible as policy work can be inconsistent depending on the whims of the minister. However, it is very unusual to ever be working more than 40 hours a week. Additionally, you can essentially pick when you would like to complete these 40 hours.
Graduate, Wellington - 11 Jul 2024
Generally, people are expected to be working between 9-3 O'clock. There is a lot of flexibility in the hours you work - as people working on international tax issues will often have to meet at awkward times. You are able to start early or leave later if you wish, as long as you get your work done.
Graduate, Wellington - 03 Jul 2024
The ird is very flexible about office hours verse working from home. They provided opportunities for flexibility with time using a system of banking hours. Early finishs or starting hour are also very flexible.
Graduate, Wellington - 23 Nov 2023
Great flexibility so far. I have been able to work from home or remotely from another city on occasion. I generally prefer to start a little earlier and finish a little earlier (8:30-4:30 rather than 9-5) and I have had the freedom to do that, aside from some minor social pressure. If I have an appointment or need to run an errand, it is fine for me to make up the time at the end of the day or take an early lunch unless there is some work to prevents that. There is a high degree of trust in this regard and you don't feel surveilled.
Graduate, Wellington - 23 Nov 2023
There is a lot of flexibility on when you start the day as long as you get your overall hours in or ensure you attend meetings (if they start early or latter in the day). There is also flexibility to go to personal appointments, but again this requires you to be honest about the hours you do.
Graduate, Wellington - 23 Nov 2023
There is a flexibility in the time we can work. the option of working from home is also available.
Graduate, Wellington - 23 Nov 2023
There is significant flexibility when it comes to hours. There is a heavy emphasis placed on ensuring that you have a good work life balance so as you can perform the best you possibly can at work by getting the rest and recreation you need.
Graduate, Wellington - 23 Nov 2023
Work hours is very flexible. I can leave earlier one day and work longer on another day with my team lead's full support.
Intern, Hamilton - 15 Feb 2023
Very flexible
Graduate, Wellington - 15 Feb 2023
Very flexible hours. Ca
Intern, Hamilton - 09 Feb 2023
I was able to work from home but I enjoyed working from the office because it made me focus a little more.
Intern, Wellington - 02 Feb 2023
I work 9-5 roughly all week. They are flexible with lunch hours. They are flexible with WFH.
Intern, Wellington - 02 Feb 2023