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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Culture at Jetstar

9.2 rating for Culture, based on 11 reviews
Please describe your company's culture both in the office and after hours. Let us know about the structure and hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork, and socialising amongst colleagues.
Jetstar's culture is great. The way the office is designed you may be sitting next to a senior manager or a head of. Most people are easily approachable, friendly and always willing to help. It does not matter where you are in hierarchy of the company, everyone's opinions, decisions etc. are highly valued. Team work is very important and its one of the key components that Jetstar lives for. To do what you need to do; team work is heavily reliant and everyone works extremely well in most cases.
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Jun 2018
No matter what role or position you have, everyone is treated equally and fairly. As a grad i feel like I have been a part of my team and the company for 5 years due to the energetic attitudes and friendly faces!
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Jun 2018
People are extremely friendly and helpful in AND out of the office.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Jun 2018
Culture is not as hierarchical as corporate firms. Co-operation and teamwork is highly valued and maintained among all teams. Socialisation and out of work events could be improved
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Jun 2017
Friendly, social outside of the office. One team. Flat hierarchy
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Jun 2017