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Tech Talk - Productionising Code

Event expired

Are you interested in expanding your technical skillset and discovering more about what it means to have production ready code? If so, join us for a tech talk with DigIO General Manager, Adrian Lai!

Event Details

Wed 3 Aug 2022, 6:00pm
Wed 3 Aug 2022, 8:00pm
Time Zone
Level 21, 580 George Street Sydney NSW 2000
Totally free!

Are you looking for an opportunity to expand your technical knowledge and see how what you're learning at University is put into action in the working world? If so, then we'd love you to join us for the next event in our Software Engineering career series - a tech talk with DigIO General Manager, Adrian Lai.

Productionising code relates to all things involved with running code at scale. At it's most basic, it's a series of design choices (think good documentation, proper data structures, cloud storage, etc.) that will enable smooth use of an application.

When doing operations thousands, millions, or even billions of times everyday, optimising code is very important. Without using the best technology and design choices when coding, you introduce the risk of your application running slowly, or just shutting down altogether. The process of productionising code is putting in place the infrastructure so your application can run at scale with ease.

Adrian will take you through everything involved in the productisation of code; what tools are used, why they're used and what it means to produce code on a client or scaled project.

We can't wait to see you there - please register your interest by following the ‘website’ link below. Please note, that there are limited spots for this event, so please register your interest by 31st July to secure your spot.