Graduate Cadet - Internal Sales at MMEM
Bachelor of Commerce at Monash University
6.30 AM
Not being a major morning person, my morning routine usually consists of me waking up and then proceeding to remain in my bed before it is time to go to work.
7.45 AM
Although my work doesn’t start until 8 am I arrive at work early so that I have some time to eat my breakfast and more importantly, enjoy a coffee. One thing I love about my office is that we have a really good coffee machine which allows me to have an enjoyable coffee without worrying about spending my money every day.
8.00 AM
After finishing up my breakfast, I begin to open up and browse through my emails. During this time, I make sure to prioritize my emails by their urgency as our mornings are the busiest part of the day.
8.15 AM
After having created a to-do list from my emails, I begin to serve customers via the phone or at the counter in the store. As many people are on their way to their job sites I will typically spend a large portion of my morning at the counter helping customers organize what they will need for their day.
During this time, I will see a large variety of customers as we cater for domestic, commercial and industrial electricians. I really enjoy this aspect of my work as it ensures that every day is different, whether it be helping a couple decide how they will style their house or quoting and finding the items that an electrician will need for a large-scale project. Throughout this time, I consistently whittle away at my to-do list of emails during the breaks I have from serving customers.
In addition, as we are a warehouse as well as a store, I often spend time walking around gathering items which keeps me on my feet and stops me from feeling lethargic from sitting down too long. These periods come as a really nice break from sitting down at my desk as well as helping me to feel less guilty if I don’t make it to the gym that day.
11.30 AM
Occasionally I will also travel in our work ute to see customers and drop off much-needed supplies for them. In this circumstance, I travelled from our workplace in Cheltenham down to Frankston, seeing multiple customers and dropping off items for them along the way. All along the drive, I make sure to blast my favorite band, ‘Rise Against’, so it's safe to say that this is a pretty relaxing part of my day.
1.00 PM
After finishing my last delivery, I pop round a couple of streets to a banh mi restaurant, which has quickly become a personal favorite of mine. For my lunch, I am also given an hour break which allows me to properly relax and unwind from my work without feeling like I am being rushed.
2.00 PM
Returning back from lunch, I immediately go to attack my emails as I have been away from my desk for a few hours. In contrast to the morning, the afternoons are typically much quieter as most trades finish work around 3 pm. This allows me to spend more time at my desk and finish off the emails that have built up. These emails largely consist of quote requests and sales orders from our customers, as this is a core part of my work.
Much like the morning, I am also serving on the counter as well as taking phone calls in between working on my emails. I find that having these face-to-face interactions is a nice break from staring at my computer screen. Furthermore, I have a personal connection with a large majority of the customers that come through our doors as they frequently come in. This makes it feel much more like chatting to a friend whilst also helping them out, as opposed to serving a faceless customer akin to most retail jobs.
5.00 PM
After finalizing my work for the day and making sure that I am happy with where I am at it, I head down to Monash Uni where I play in a social (competitive) basketball competition with my friends from my uni days. After coming away with the victory (obviously), I return to my home to watch the latest Netflix show that I am binging (currently Lucifer).