Very satisfied.
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Jul 2022
Yes my manager has been very helpful with getting me settled in, and walking me through steps to develop in the future.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Jul 2022
Every 6 months, we get a performance review to understand how we go. My manage and I work together to help me grow into a stronger software engineer.
Midlevel, Sydney - 07 Jul 2022
The managers are very nice, and they work for you. They are there to help you grow and develop more so than they are there to control you and test you.
Graduate, Sydney - 24 Jun 2022
Great management, in general.
Midlevel, Sydney - 21 Jun 2022
Performance is reflected on a bi-annual occurrence, which provides you the chance the evaluate on what you have done and improve on your weaknesses. My manager is very transparent and is willing to do whatever it takes to pursue any career aspirations.
Midlevel, Sydney - 20 Jun 2022