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Deborah Janarius

Graduate Systems Engineering and Operations at nbn

Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Development) at Monash University

For my current work, I’m working on an analytics project that investigates the pain points along the customer’s journey when they connect to the nbn.

What's your job about?

nbn is Australia’s National Broadband Network that allows the transfer of data through fiber optic cables. We are a Government Business Enterprise with the purpose of lifting the digital capability of Australia. 

I am currently in the nbn graduate program, which is a rotation-based program that allows graduates to work in three different rotations across the business, where they gain a variety of skills by working in different teams and learning their strengths and weaknesses.  

I am currently in my third rotation, working in the Data Science team. My team's role is to conduct data analytics and deliver insights to the business to assist in their decision-making process. For my current work, I’m working on an analytics project that investigates the pain points along the customer’s journey when they connect to thenbn. The insights I’ve gained from my analytics are then shared with the stakeholder within NBN, who will implement changes within the connection process to provide the customer with a better experience. This project has required me to code and draw some of my insights. I also regularly meet with my stakeholders to update them on my work and make any required changes. I also ensure that I constantly document aspects of my project and ensure that it's always up to date; this includes keeping note of things like the project scope, changes made to the scope, potential risks, and mitigation processes. 

What's your background?

I grew up in Victoria in the south-eastern suburbs with my family, and my days as a child usually involved getting up to some mischief with my sister. I studied Information Technology at Monash University whilst working part-time at various jobs throughout my degree, from Woolies to Origin Energy and a few other ones in between. About a third of my degree was completed during the COVID lockdowns, which was challenging but also a good learning experience. 

I applied for the graduate role at nbn while I was in my final year. And to be honest, I didn’t really think I would get the role because I wasn’t sure if I’d be good enough to work at such a big company. However, I’m so glad that I applied, and trusted in myself, because I now work here and absolutely love my job. This was definitely a great experience that allowed me to learn about the importance of trusting my abilities and always giving things a shot, regardless of what the outcome may be. 

Could someone with a different background do your job?

Generally, I’d say yes because you don’t need the same degree as me to work as an IT graduate at NBN. Many grads with degrees in Physics and Mathematics have worked in the same roles I have, and they have loved it. 

The key here is to have a degree that somewhat relates to the role and not to be afraid of challenges. There will be many learning opportunities at nbn and opportunities to push yourself out of your comfort zone. I believe the important thing isn’t necessarily your degree but making sure you have a growth mindset and are willing to learn. 

What's the coolest thing about your job?

The coolest thing about my job is knowing that the work I am doing is having an impact on everyday Australians. Regardless of my specific role, I know that the work I’m doing, along with the effort of my other colleagues, has an impact on someone somewhere, whether that means they now have an amazing connection experience connecting to the nbn or whether that means they can easily facetime their relatives overseas. 

Another thing I love about NBN is the work culture. I’ve found that everyone is extremely friendly and always willing to reach out and lend a hand. I never feel judged for asking for help. 

What are the limitations of your job?

If you have a definite idea about what you want to do in your career and know exactly what kind of role you would like to work in, then I don’t recommend the graduate program. The purpose of the program is to try a variety of different roles, which means that even if you absolutely love a certain role and know that you’d like to work in that role permanently, you will still need to work in two different roles for your other rotations. 

3 pieces of advice for yourself when you were a student...

  • Understand that all experiences are good experiences. It’s either an amazing time that you’re going to remember for years to come, or it’s the chance to learn something. 
  • Say yes to as many opportunities that come your way, especially the ones that require you to step out of your comfort zone. This is where you grow as a person. 
  • Make sure you separate work from your home life. Enjoy and dedicate time to your family, friends, and hobbies.