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North Construction & Building

  • 100 - 500 employees

Libby Hudson

Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) at The University of Newcastle

My task includes assessing subcontractor claims and purchase orders, and processing invoices for approval by the project management team.

5.45 AM

I wake up early and make myself some breakfast, and get ready for work. I like my mornings at a slow pace, so I get up with plenty of time to get myself ready and out the door by 7.20 am to drive to work.

7.50 AM

Arrive at work, grab a coffee, and get settled in.

8.00 AM

The first thing I do each day is process invoices. This will involve printing a cost pending report and assessing where they are all currently standing so I can send an update to my team to ensure we are paying on time.

8.30 AM

I will have a daily catch-up with the project team where the project manager discusses our tasks required for the project and identifies some priorities for the day. This is a good opportunity to bring up any questions regarding invoicing to make sure we are paying the subcontractors for the works that have been completed.

9.00 AM

From 9.00 am until lunch time I am going through project invoices, working closely with the Contracts Administrator who usually assigns me several invoices to be completed. My task includes assessing subcontractor claims and purchase orders, and processing invoices for approval by the project management team.

12.00 PM

Lunch time! What I bring changes each day, either toasties or most recently sushi bowls. Yummy! Lunch time is pretty fun here at North, talking to friends and doing our daily quiz with the office staff.

12.30 PM

After lunch, I will either jump back onto invoices if there is a large volume or work more on operation and maintenance manuals and occupation certificate tasks.

Operation and maintenance manuals compilation involves gathering all the subcontractor’s manuals for the client so that when we hand over the building they know how to operate everything. This ranges from knowing which locks were used on doors, if needing replacement, to general maintenance recommendations.

Working on occupation certificates involves going through the certifier's requirements and obtaining certificates from relevant subcontractors for works completed, so once construction works are finished we can get receive an occupation certificate and hand over a fully compliant building to the client.

5.00 PM

I finish up for the day and usually head to the gym. Most of the time I get home around 7.30 pm to 8.00 pm and will then prepare food for the next day and head off to sleep!

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