Analyst Graduate at NSW Treasury
Master of Economics at Macquarie University
Why did you apply for Treasury?
I have a strong interest in economics, as well as a broad range of public policy areas. The NSW Treasury is rare in that it has a stake in nearly every policy area in which the State Government operates – transport, health, education, justice, planning, the environment and much more. There are few places where you can get such a diverse range of interesting and challenging work.
What happened in the first 3 weeks of the Graduate Program?
The first week consisted entirely of orientation and training programs. In the following few weeks, I started in my first rotation of the program where my team was responsible for tracking election commitments for the upcoming State election to ensure that the Treasury was ready to go when the new Government was elected.
What training did you receive throughout the year?
With the other graduates, I was involved in a diverse range of training sessions from accounting for non-accountants, project management and managing business relationships. These sessions were times really well when it was relevant to the work were we involved in at that time.
How do rotations work?
There are 3 rotations throughout the year. We were placed first based on our applications for the program and the business needs of the organisation. For the second and third rotations, we were asked where we would like to rotate and had an opportunity to discuss what we would be doing in the areas with previous graduates and managers.
As the year nears its end, we were advised which divisions would like to have a graduate as part of their team. We were presented by managers of the divisions with the type of work that they do and how we could make a difference in their teams. After our interview, we are advised on where we would be placed.