Business Graduate at Perfection Fresh Australia
Bachelor of Science and Business at University of New South Wales (UNSW)
7.00 AM
My usual alarm goes off and I hit snooze for the next 15 minutes. It’s a part of the daily routine. I realise that I can sleep in today as I am heading to a food convention event close to home but I reluctantly slide out of bed and get ready for the day.
8.45 AM
I check my emails and calendar for the rest of the week and make note of what I need to follow up on later in the day. A project that I’m working on with the marketing team is set to go live next week so there are some details to finalise – from approving digital assets, sending out a market stand email, reworking our website page to refresh our branding and more!
9.30 AM
I leave the house and take a direct bus to the city where the event is taking place. Peak hour has passed. Phew.
10.00 AM
People are flooding into the convention centre and I catch up with a colleague outside before we head inside together. It’s always exciting to spend a day out of the office to see what other companies are doing to differentiate themselves and to inspire ourselves with new ideas!
11.30 AM
As we walk around, I am amazed by how big the food world is. Food is so much more than we just eat! Different sections such as baking, smallgoods, dairy, cereals, sweets, food service, commercial kitchen appliances, packaging and so much more occupied the space, there was everything you could possibly imagine.
12.00 PM
I thought this display was cute. As an avid Lego fan, I thought this was a super creative and fun way to experiment with sweets.
1.00 PM
3 hours in and we have seen a lot of interesting things. It’s time to head back to work.
1.30 PM
I caught up with our HR consultant and we discussed how I’m finding the graduate program and if I have any concerns. I tell her about all the projects I’m working on and give some updates on how I’m managing. It’s always nice to reflect on what I’ve done every few weeks.
2.00 PM
I have some time to grind out some work before my next meeting so I sit down and focus on the tasks that I’ve put on my to-do list in the morning. This involves sending a few emails to follow up on creatives we are expecting and putting on my design hat to make our website look great!
3.00 PM
Time to get up and stretch! There’s a park opposite our office so I decided to pop downstairs and go for a quick walk to get some fresh air. I do this quite often as I get sleepy during the afternoon and I find going outside gives me a burst of energy again before the day ends! I bring my emotional support water bottle with me as always.
3.15 PM
Whenever I’m in the office, I take 5 minutes to read a few pages of this book that was given to us after a team day a couple of weeks back. The concept of “Ikigai” was brought up and we were prompted to think about it in our own time. I highly recommend this read!
3.30 PM
I’m getting briefed on a new project! Very exciting! The business expanded when acquiring another company but there hasn’t been the opportunity to integrate this offer into our website. The portfolio needs to be built out so I will be supporting this project through a marketing lens. I take notes to refer to later and go back to completing the task I was working on before finishing up for the day.
5.00 PM
It’s home time! I’m ready for a good night’s sleep. Bye!
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