PMO Governance Advisor at Queensland Government Digital Graduate Program
Bachelor of Information Technology at The University of Queensland (UQ)
What was the best thing about being on the Digital and ICT graduate program?
The opportunities and the friendships we made, not only with our co-workers in our department but the other graduates and people external to our team. I know that the work I've done has made an impact on
What classification did you achieve (ie. AO4 etc.) post program?
AO5 as a Program Management Office Governance Advisor.
Do you think the program helped to speed up your career?
Definitely. The training I received and the connections I made will last me a lifetime and have made me better prepared with the knowledge I couldn't receive anywhere else.
Anything else to add?
Sally and Debby were the best grad supervisors I could have asked for. Plenty of lovely chats and their ever-growing support boosted my confidence in my abilities and what I could achieve.