I am required to work 2 days a week in the office. With the flexibility to change my days to suit my home/family schedule.
Graduate, Brisbane - 10 Sep 2024
My company is very flexible with my work hours and working from home.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Sep 2024
For TDSG group, we have to come to the office minimum one day a week or twice a fortnight, so it is pretty flexible for me. As I live far from the office I adhere to the rules and go either once a week or twice a fortnight.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Sep 2024
7.15 hours per day, and generous level of flexibility.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Sep 2024
My company is very flexible and I get to work from home most of the time and only come to the office once every 2 weeks for 3 days. Hours are great I can start and stop as needed as long as my hours are balancing at the end of the week
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Sep 2024
Contracted for 7hr 15min. I have the flexibility to use a pool of time from extra hours worked, if I need to take a personal appointment during the week.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2024
I generally work my required hours, completing some overtime if required. Overtime is RARELY required or requested.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Aug 2024
Very flexible with ATA. However, less flexible with WFH.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 May 2023
Flexible hours, you can start any time after 6AM and finish before 6PM, as long as you do your normal 7h15m during that time. You can build up flex leave and use that instead of annual leave. Work-from-home is up to each department and team, can be very good or bad depending on management.
Brisbane - 10 May 2023
Compressed hours affording me an extra day off per four weeks. Boss is flexible, but there is no formal agreement in place.
Midlevel, Townsville - 04 May 2023
As long as you do your hours, it's very flexible. If you leave early, make up for it another time, no problem. It's amazing place to work in regards to work hours.
Midlevel, Brisbane - 05 Mar 2023
Currently working from home 2 days, which is likely to stay. Very easy to swap your WFH days if you have appointments to attend on a certain day etc. If you have a reason to work from home more days, management is almost always supportive of it. Easy to change work hours if you need to start earlier or later on a given day.
Midlevel, Brisbane - 05 Mar 2023
I don't work from the office a lot but if it was closer to home, I would prefer to be in the office.
Midlevel, Brisbane - 05 Mar 2023