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Queensland Government Digital Graduate Program

  • > 100,000 employees

Parth Vijaydhar

Bachelor of Information Technology at QUT (Queensland University of Technology)

I love that the work I get to be part of creates real and tangible value for people in my organisation and enables them to be even more effective in their work.

5.45 AM

Time to wake up and start to get ready for my in-office workdays. Thanks to flexible working arrangements I can work from home 50% across a fortnight, which means I get a bit of extra sleep in when I don't have to travel to the office. 

8.00 AM

I catch public transport to get to work as it’s the easiest option with the peak hour traffic. Luckily, I have a bus stop very close to where I live which drops me off by the street of my office around 8 AM. 

8.30 AM

I start my day off by checking emails, having a quick scan of industry news and then planning for the day's activities and priorities.  I live by my daily 'to-do list' so I get that set up so I have a clear plan for the day and can tackle the higher priorities first.  

9.00 AM

Grab a quick coffee and get ready for our daily team huddle. During our morning huddles we check-in as a team and discuss our projects and deliverables for the day. It's also an opportunity to ask my manager questions about how to approach things that I'm working on or get updates or share ideas.

day in the life graduate Parth Vijaydhar Queensland Government Digital Graduate Program in the meeting

10.00 AM

I am currently working on one main project as a Business Analyst (BA), along with a few smaller digital projects which gives me good variety and balance. For my main project I work closely with the Project Manager for procuring a new ICT solution that is used by teams across Queensland to help ensure our road infrastructure is built to a high standard. As a BA, I am currently focusing on understanding the current state of the system – who uses it, where is it used, how it is used, where are improvement opportunities for the future. This is where I get to apply all the tools and techniques I learned at university into practice! To get this information I interact with a user group to understand and validate the information that I've collected. My role is to understand the business requirements of the ICT solution and capture these requirements in a clear and concise way. I love that the work I get to be part of creates real and tangible value for people in my organisation and enables them to be even more effective in their work.

day in the life graduate Parth Vijaydhar Queensland Government Digital Graduate Program in the meeting at the work station

12.30 PM

Grab a bite for lunch with the team. There are plenty of great options around the office– my personal favorite is the local Korean take away.  

1.00 PM

Depending on the deliverables for my main project, if I have time in the afternoon I'll work on other smaller projects. We are currently looking at how we can better streamline our high-frequency business processes to make them more efficient through automation using software robots or 'bots'. This is a really exciting space as we're seeking to introduce this technology to my branch and demonstrate how it can improve team efficiency (and hopefully automate some of the less exciting work that needs to be done). If I'm working on my main project, the afternoon is typically completing project documentation, liaising with stakeholders and keeping in touch with the project manager to ensure our work is in sync and we're making good momentum on our deliverables.  

4.15 PM

Finished for the day, so I head home on the bus. The ride home gives me some time to reflect on the day and turn my mind to be ready for home time.

day in the life graduate Parth Vijaydhar Queensland Government Digital Graduate Program in the meeting in the office

6.00 PM

I have been regularly hitting the gym after work and it’s had some positive impact on my life. I usually work out by myself as it helps me to get in the zone and focus on my strength training but sometimes, I go with a friend and that makes for good socialising. Tonight, it's just me so I'll be in my zone. 

7.30 PM

A good gym session! Now time to head home and grab dinner. I live with my family, so I usually have dinner with my siblings. 

9.00 PM

Complete any chores and prepare for the next day before watching some Netflix or reading a book before bed. I try to head to bed at 10 PM and keep myself accountable for spending too much time on the phone.

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