Digital Graduate at Services Australia
8.30 AM
I begin my walk to work. I make my way through Adelaide’s pleasant squares from one half of the CBD to the other. The fresh air and exercise wake me up, ready for the day.
9.00 AM
I log on to my computer and begin by opening my to-do list to prioritize the work of the day. I track the work by a color-coded system. I can see that today I need to work on providing a release run sheet for an ICT change our team is responsible for implementing.
9.15 AM
I scan emails, noting what could potentially impact our ICT projects. I then check the calendar in Outlook to see the meetings I have for the day.
10.00 AM
The first meeting includes the leadership and project managers in my broader workgroup. I attend as a graduate Project Officer, with my supervisor and Project Manager. We discuss upcoming projects and resourcing. This meeting is a good time to take stock and plan.
10.30 AM
It’s time for the first project to stand up. I’m working on a few different ICT projects and they all have short 15-minute stand-ups that vary in frequency. They are always a good chance to check in with the team and work together to resolve issues. In this stand-up, we discuss testing requirements for one of our projects.
10.45 AM
From the last meeting, it seems we’ll need an extra resource for testing our change to the ICT systems. I also know from the first meeting of the day that one of our developers has the capacity to help. I suggest we meet up to discuss how they can help with testing.
11.00 AM
I update our reoccurring stand up to include our new tester. I also notify our group’s resources coordinator to update our records. It’s also important to schedule a time for the testing team and lead developer to meet and plan each phase of testing our system update. We need to ensure that when we change the agency’s IT systems, we don’t impact any existing functionality for our customers.
12.00 PM
The other graduate in my branch and I grab lunch together. They work in the same role as me but in a different team. It’s a good chance to debrief and learn from each other.
12.30 PM
I have some time before my next meeting. I use this time to prepare an Excel document outlining the steps needed for upgrading a function of our IT systems.
1.00 PM
There are still some gaps in my knowledge of the release run sheet. I can see our ICT lead developer is available, so I ask for their help. We work together to finalize the run sheet, and they show me the behind-the-scenes of the programming related to our change. This helps me to understand the steps that I need to include in the run sheet.
2.00 PM
We have another few stand-ups to update project teams on our progress. We also make sure we work through issues and clarify questions.
3.30 PM
I type up the minutes I took for today’s meetings and send them to the business areas and my team.
4.30 PM
At the end of the day, I respond to any outstanding emails and look ahead to tomorrow. I look at the items remaining on my to-do list and plan for meetings scheduled for the next day.
5.00 PM
Time to head home. I say my goodbyes at the end of another busy day before my walk home.