Accounting Graduate at Services Australia
8.30 AM
I log on to my laptop and open Excel and our team’s software ready for the day. I scan my emails and the team’s shared inbox and respond to any quick queries while taking note of items that need detailed responses. I check if there are any meetings I have to prepare for but at this stage, there are none today.
9.00 AM
I begin working on the reports that are higher priority. The report I’m working on today focuses on the financial aspect of the projects Services Australia helps other agencies with. We analyse the budget, revenue and expenditure for each project.
10.30 AM
I review the reports and check the numbers to ensure they are complete and accurate. I then send them to my Director who reviews them again. Next, the National Manager and Chief Financial Officer clear them before we send them out to the other agencies.
11.00 AM
I close my working files and ensure I have a clear screen before moving to the next report. This is good practice as it minimizes confusion and misreporting of data.
11.15 AM
I move on to refreshing the agency’s staffing level report. This report provides data on staff in the agency. It shows information by categories in each group, division and branch.
11.45 AM
I make a quick analysis of the report and send it to my Director. After approval, my Director sends it to the National Manger and Chief Financial Officer for clearance and distribution.
12.00 PM
I’m invited to a meeting with my Director and National Manager. They’re looking for information on the agency’s historic expenditure and extrapolating future expenditure while analyzing trends and noting key findings. I note their requirements and we discuss timeframes.
12.30 PM
It’s lunchtime! I generally try to catch up with friends around the office and share a meal. Today, we are going to a restaurant near the office.
1.15 PM
Once back at work, I go over the requirements of the analysis brief and create a plan to approach the task. I start by collating relevant data into tables that are easy to understand.
2.45 PM
I have a quick check-in with my Director, explaining the work and analysis that I have done. I seek their feedback about any improvements I can make. After getting some pointers, I adjust my analysis and continue to work on providing a detailed report on my findings.
4.00 PM
I send a working draft to my Director for their review. I’ll review and action their comments tomorrow. As I have some spare time, I help my colleague with a request from our Parliamentary area.
4.45 PM
I start winding down for the day, making sure all my drawers are locked and my desk is clean. I take a quick note of items I need to work on tomorrow. I say goodbye to the team and head home.