Key Account Manager at Signify
Bachelor of Business Information Systems at Swinburne University of Technology
5.30 AM
Time to get up and get active for the day! A 45-minute workout to get me in the zone and feeling good for a busy schedule. It’s a great way to get focused, stay disciplined and keep me in a great routine.
6.45 AM
Time to hit the road and make my way to my first client visit. I love this time in the car – depending on my mood and tasks for the day, I will usually listen to podcasts, put on my Spotify Daily Mix or even get through an Audible on my way to my first stop. This is a great part of the day to get me in a great headspace.
8.00 AM
Time for coffee – an essential for me. I usually find myself in a café nearby one of my clients and fire up the laptop to send emails, respond to any urgent client requests and of course, enjoy that sweet first taste of my piccolo latte. Once I’ve finished, it’s go-time!
9.00 AM
First wholesaler visits for the day – I always enjoy my visits to the branches, catching up with the team members, speaking with the contractors who shop there, and providing updates on some of the latest lighting technology that Signify is bringing to the market both here and around the globe.
11.30 AM
Time for another quick email check. Better get back to any urgent client requests. I am lucky at how flexible my work can be. I have everything I need to work on the road, no matter where the day takes me – whether it be parked on the side of the road, on a park bench or even while grabbing a bite to eat.
12.30 PM
I usually pack lunch and a few snacks for the day, but sometimes it’s great to pull up somewhere and enjoy the best lunch spots around some of my client spots. Look at this for a view and how about some fresh seafood! That’s a yes from me.
3.00 PM
It’s almost time for a coffee break after a successful; day on the road. I managed to catch up with five of my clients during the day, showing them a sneak peek of some samples from our exciting new lighting range that we will soon be launching, and now have some items to action before I make my way home... but first, better grab another coffee for the road.
3.30 PM
Almost the end of the day – but can’t forget to catch up with the rest of the team around the country. We usually catch up over Teams briefly to share our wins and talk about what’s been working and what we could do differently. I genuinely enjoy it when we get together and chat about how the day has gone, what we’ve been up to and what’s happening around the other states. I get a lot out of the meetings and often find myself putting into practice the things I’ve learnt from my peers.
5.00 PM
After an easy drive home from my last client visit, I am home and about to get ready to head out again. Time to get to soccer – I coach a team in my spare time, three nights a week. I love the sport so getting out there to coach my team is always fun. The fact that I have such flexibility during the day to get my work done, I have more than enough time outside of typical working hours to enjoy doing the things I love – like soccer.
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