6.00 AM
My typical day begins with preparing for work and taking my dog for a morning walk before heading to the train station. During my commute, I like to sit facing west to enjoy the view of the beach.
8.30 AM
Upon arriving at the office, I check my emails and Teams messages before going for a coffee with colleagues.
After coffee I get started on project work. For the past year I have been working on a dynamic simulation projects. I work closely with my supervisor and principal engineers, who provide guidance and support as needed.
12.30 PM
Lunch time! I usually eat lunch in the office kitchen and enjoy catching up with colleagues.
1.00 PM
Resume project work, making sure to touch base with senior team members on my progress and any challenges encountered.
3.30 PM
Today I am attending a client meeting where I have the opportunity to present a progress update and preliminary modeling outcomes.
5.00 PM
Wrap up tasks for the day and head home.
7.00 PM
Enjoy dinner and unwind with family / friends and prepare for the next day.
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