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Thomson Geer

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Stephanie Nomikos

Lawyer at Thomson Geer

Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Commerce at University of Adelaide

We're in the due diligence phase of a deal that we've been working on, so I'm preparing the Legal Due Diligence Report.

5:15 am

Alarm goes off – usually it would be time for pilates, but today I'm doing Bondi to Bronte coastal walk with a friend. So nice to watch the sunrise!

7:45 am

My housemates and I commute to the office together.

8:15 am

I arrive at work. Thomson Geer provides fresh fruit so I take a banana for brekky, make a coffee, say hi to my colleagues, and sit down to check my emails.

thomson geer Steph Nomikos teaching her colleague

8.30 AM

One of the new grads, Chris, asks me a quick question about ordering ASIC searches so I assist him before our team meeting.

thomson geer Steph Nomikos teaching her colleague

9.00 AM

I attend our Corporate Team meeting. We have two of these each week, where we chat about what we did over the weekend, the work that we have on at the moment, whether we have the capacity to take on more work, and/or follow up matters with more senior team members.

9.30 AM

We're in the due diligence phase of a deal that we've been working on, so I'm preparing the Legal Due Diligence Report. This is for a $13 million acquisition of a caravan park business. The report is quite substantial so I've been chipping away at it each morning, section by section. I really enjoy due diligence so it's an enjoyable way to start the day.

11.30 AM

My supervising partner asks me to pop in for a chat. The Term Sheet for an $89 million deal is ready to be signed and I've been asked to coordinate the exchange. Exchange is an important first step in any transaction. Lawyers facilitate their clients signing their parts of the document before exchanging with the other side in order to form a document that is signed by both parties.

thomson geer Steph Nomikos meeting with colleague

11.45 AM

We're acting for the Seller, so I call the Buyer's lawyers to let them know that we're ready to sign the Term Sheet and will send it through our signed counterparts shortly.

thomson geer Steph Nomikos answering phone calls

12.30 PM

I take my food from the fridge and sit outdoors with some lawyers in my cohort for lunch.

1.15 PM

I chat to Matt, an associate in our team, about the upcoming completion of a transaction that we've been working on. We run through the completion checklist and work out what needs to be done. We need to draft a few documents, so I go back to my desk and get started. After I'm happy with them, I send the final draft to Matt to review with a draft email to the client. We run this by our partner before sending it off.

2.45 PM

Izzy messaged me on Teams to grab a quick coffee downstairs.

thomson geer Steph Nomikos talking with her colleagues

3:00 PM

I log on to a client meeting via Zoom. We've been reviewing an Event Services Agreement for a pro-bono client in relation to a charity event that they're organizing, so today my partner runs a 'page-turn' where we go through each page of the agreement, discussing each amendment that we've made. As a junior, it's my job to take notes, so I make sure that I'm paying lots of attention and keeping an accurate record of what we've discussed.

4.00 PM

I receive a phone call from the buyer's lawyers letting me know that their client has signed the term sheet for the deal that I discussed with my partner this morning. I review their document, and we confirm exchange. I send an email to our client letting them know that we've exchanged, and congratulating them!

5.00 PM

I make my way up to the boardroom for Friday drinks run by the Sydney Social Club. It's really nice to chat with colleagues in different teams at all levels rather than just the juniors in your cohort/team.

thomson geer Steph Nomikos talking with her colleaguesthomson geer Steph Nomikos meeting with her colleagues

6.30 PM

I head home and cook dinner with my housemates. We binge our favorite TV shows and hang out for a few hours before bedtime.

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