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wilson/ryan/grose Lawyers

  • < 100 employees

Hannah Hicks

Bachelor of Laws at CQUniversity Australia (CQU)

If you have a dream or goal, just start where you are with what you have and don’t worry about any of the reasons why you think you can't do it.

What's your job about?

I work in the property & commercial workgroups at w/r/g and assist clients with their property transactions. We receive contracts for the sale of residential and commercial properties and act for both buyers and sellers.  We help clients understand their rights and obligations under the contract and assist with the transaction from when receive their contracts (or enquiries pre contract) through to settlement and beyond.

What's your background?

I grew up in the small, rural town just south of Townsville. I moved to Townsville in 2008 with my husband and young family. I have five children and was a stay-at-home mum for the majority of my adult life.

In 2015 I decided to get a degree while at home raising my babies so when the time came to re-enter the workforce, I would have a substantial qualification and my career opportunities would be greater.

After graduation and Practical Legal Training, I was searching online for local law firm jobs and found the advertisement from Grad Australia at wilson/ryan/grose Lawyers. I applied quickly for the role and was phoned up around 2 weeks later to attend an interview and was informed I had secured the role shortly after that.

Could someone with a different background do your job?

Of Course! I'm a huge believer in people following their dreams regardless of their circumstances or boundaries. If you have a dream or goal, just start where you are with what you have and don’t worry about any of the reasons why you think you can't do it. Everyone thought I was crazy when I said I was going to become a lawyer and while it wasn’t without its hurdles, I started with nothing but a plan for the future, put my head down, worked hard and it came to pass.

What's the coolest thing about your job?

Being able to help people start new chapters or close old ones. Property law is incredibly transactional but when interacting with our clients we experience a lot of emotion as well. From people who are leaving a bad situation and selling their home/business is the final ticket to new ventures or new home buyers who are full of excitement for the great things to come that will all start in their new home. It’s very rewarding working so closely with people for the 4-6 weeks of the conveyance.

What are the limitations of your job?

It is very anxiety inducing. We have high volumes of files at any given time, and they are all very time sensitive. We always have to be organised and prepared and not just for what we are currently working on, but we have to be ahead of ourselves for what is coming up as well. It can get very mentally tiring being so switched on all the time.

3 pieces of advice for yourself when you were a student...

  • Everything will be ok!
  • You know your material!
  • Cut yourself a break. You're doing the best you can!