Justin [00:00:03] Excellent. So Sakura can you give me a bit of a high-level walk through of the application process to the grad programme at Arcadis?
Sakura [00:00:07] Yeah. So we offer both undergrads and graduates (programmes), so an undergrad meaning while you're still at university you can come and finish your hours if you need placement for your degree or you can even just get some experience. So the process is very similar for both. So the very first thing for both is you'll need to send in your CV as well as your university transcript. So for Grad, it would just be, you know, all the units you have done to that date if you're graduating. And for undergrad, just the same thing. So if you've only done, you know, a year or two or three, just how many have done you submit. And then after that, you will...to the next stage be sent a link to a video interview, which is where you'll be given around 5 to 6 questions and you'll have around 45 seconds to answer each one. And it's just basically for them to get to know you. So we want to see your personality. We want to see, you know, how you'd fit into our environment. And the next stage after that is you'll be actually called into something we call an 'Experience Day'. So now it's done online, but it's basically where you'll be called with all the other potential Acadians, and you'll have to kind of address a few problems. So maybe that might be working in a group where you'll have to solve a problem which they give you and give a presentation. So they really want to see your passion for what you study and also how you work with other people. And after that, usually for undergrads, they will send offers. For grads, there will be a final interview and that will be with the team leader that you're most likely to work with. And they'll do a one on one interview. And after that, they'll send out offers for graduate positions.