Justin [00:00:03] So what learning and development opportunities do graduates have at Telstra?
Kim [00:00:07] So once you are successful in the graduate programme, you do have access to a lot of learning and development opportunities. So firstly, with regards to the actual programme, you do follow a programme throughout the 14 months that you're with us. There is also on-the-job learning that you will be allocated to different missions throughout your graduate programme as well. And we also call it a choose your own adventure programme, where you get to choose which mission or project you can work on throughout the year. And on top of that as well, we do have access to our LinkedIn learning platform where you'll get opportunities to develop certain skills if you wish to. And we also have a future ready programme where you'll be able to complete different micro credentials and this actually goes towards crediting for a degree as well, which is great.