I started as a Graduate Developer at REA Group just over 6 months ago. It felt like a milestone moment, so I wanted to take the time to reflect and think about what I have learnt during this time and to share my experience.
So, if you’re curious about what you could learn as a grad at REA and how to support a junior team member, look no further!
My first rotation was in the Property Core squad, who are part of PropTrack, REA Group’s property data business. My team’s focus is to develop a new data pipeline to ingest, transform and expose property transaction data for the rest of the business and our customers.
Good grads write good.
When I joined, I got told that writing is one of the most important tools you have as a software engineer. Curious why mad Perl skills weren’t at the top of this list, I asked why. The answer was: “it forces clarity of thought”.
Here are some of the benefits:
Become outcomes focused.
When I first joined the team, I was amazed at how well people ask questions. I was always thinking to myself “geez that is an amazing question”. Whether it was asking if a specific option had been considered in a technical discussion or gently prompting if now was the best time to dig into the weeds and possibly most importantly, constantly questioning “what’s the impact?”Critically, it was always phrased in a way that didn’t put an individual person at fault. Rather, it considered the broader objectives and goals the team was trying to achieve.
During one of our coffee catchups, I told the person who I thought asked the best questions: “You are great at asking the perfect question. Is this something that comes naturally or is it something you have consciously thought about?”. They described that this was something they had actually worked on and described it as being “outcomes focused”.
Emulating this ability is easier said than done. But by having a slightly better understanding of what makes these questions so good and even finding a phrase to describe this skill will hopefully be useful. It was a relief knowing it was something you must proactively work on.
Read widely.
And I don’t just mean technical books. Slack, GitHub, past Trello cards, internal blog posts are all great sources for getting more background and history on why things are the way they are. I want to become a sponge for context.
I appreciate this is a longer-term play. This won’t pay off straight away, but hopefully over time I’ll be able to reap the rewards. I personally have seen that there is often value in understanding and being able to justify the answers to questions like:
Developing an understanding of these answers is especially important if you don’t agree with or have hesitations. I like the idea that to justify an opinion you should be able to argue the opposing view better than someone who holds that view (see steelmanning).
I’ve seen there’s value in understanding the decisions made at different levels of abstraction. For example, decisions on the technical implementation as part of a single PR, all the way up to strategic investment decisions driven by macroeconomic forces.
This is useful to be able to communicate with people across a whole bunch of different roles. It ensures you can communicate the value and purpose in a way that makes sense and matters to them.
I’ve found that the best people aren’t settled if they can’t find the answer by searching. They’ll seek out the most appropriate medium and find and answer.
But back to technical books, because these are also a fantastic source of learning at those lower more technical levels and are also fun to read. Here are some of my picks: Google SRE, Clean Code, Mythical Man Month, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Domain Driven Design, Designing Data Intensive Applications.
Make one decision that will eliminate many.
The word “process” often comes with negative connotations, especially at a larger organisation. But that’s one of the key reasons why I was so excited to join REA. I want to understand what structures allow REA to develop and deploy software.
At a macro level, this includes things like our tech radar, architecture principles, internal products and company wide decision-making frameworks. The pattern between all these “processes” is that they set a sensible default for others to follow. Teams don’t need to reinvent the wheel each time they decide whether to use Rust for their new project.
At a micro level, it can include things like team rituals, working patterns and card templates.
Why is this interesting?
Computers are deterministic. People are not. Eventually, if you throw enough logic at a software problem, it’ll crack and break down into its atomic parts, and you’ll find the root cause of a problem. People not so much.
People problems will always exist and are much more gnarly (at least for me) than technical issues. It’s why this decision making “infrastructure” that exists around REA is really fascinating and for me is as interesting as the tech itself.
At a micro level I came across a perfect example in a PR I raised. I received some feedback that some of the formatting of my code looked a bit weird. It was because we were using, Prettier, a code formatting tool which automatically formats your code. I agreed it didn’t look ideal and after a couple rounds of feedback, I ended up with 7 // prettier-ignore comments to manually override the tool to our liking. Not ideal.
It turns out that I’d implicitly allowed for a decision to be made many times, rather than take a step back and make the decision once. After discussing this predicament with a co-worker in another team, he suggested to me, that I jump up a level and bring the decision of using Prettier itself to the team.
Either we use Prettier and we go with its opinion of how our code should be formatted, or not use Prettier and consistently dump a heap of time into providing and responding to feedback about what our code should look like.
I’m sure you know which option we chose. If you don’t, read the title of this section.
Incrementally paying down tech debt is basic hygiene.
Halfway through my current rotation, my manager took me aside and explained that it would be good if I could dedicate a bit more focus and energy to custodianship work throughout the remainder of my rotation.
Initially I was a bit hesitant. I felt like a teenager who’d just had their parents tell them to clean their room. I was enjoying everything else that I was doing, why did they need to come in and throw this spanner in the works.
But of course, like any good kid does, I acknowledged my “parent’s” wisdom, experience and knowledge and did exactly what they’re asked with a smile on my face. In fact, it wasn’t long before I learnt how fun custodianship work can be.
Not only does it help building background context (see #2), is an easy way to get exposure to different tech and broaden your skills. Our custodianship often results in very quick wins and helps with that afternoon dopamine deficit.
It’s also a short-term sacrifice for long term benefit. Like lots of things in life, a little trouble in the short term saves a lot of trouble in the long term.
I like being another member of the team.
One of the best things, if not the best thing I have experienced is the sense of belonging.
From day dot, my team treated me like I was one of them. Exactly how I wanted to be. At first, I was worried to approve a PR given they’d be able to merge it to the main branch. A team member told me, your review is as valid as anyone else’s. Looking back, it was such a simple response, but in my first week, it really made feel like I was another team member.
If you have a grad, expect and encourage them to be on the support roster. A bit rich, coming from me given I never did it, but it’s probably my biggest regret in this team. If your team is having a cross team architectural discussion, ask the grad if they want to come. If your team has an ongoing incident, invite them into war room Zoom call, even if their role is to observe and watch.
I found justifying the ideas and approaches I had valuable. People pushing back and challenging me like I was a more senior developer forced me to question my own choices. It made me develop a better understanding about the underlying problem I was trying to solve.
Use emojis!
It’s been a pretty serious read so far, so I’ll end on a light-hearted note
I have never been much of an emoji person. Maybe a Facebook Messenger heart react was the extent of my emoji ability. Fortunately, I’ve had great mentors to learn from and have improved significantly.
Emoji usage is a part of REA’s culture. It’s refreshing to be able to have a bit of fun and banter with some emojis. While I think I’ve made strides on emoji front, my meme game is pretty weak. At least I’ve got something very tangible to work on…