First round one-on-one interviews with Business Analyst and an Associate. Half case study, half open ended questions. Second round one-on-one interviews with Directors x2. All open ended questions
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Nov 2016
Interview process during graduate recruitment involves two rounds. The first involves two case studies with a business analyst and associate. The second interview is another two case studies with directors. In between, PJP offered a coffee meeting with two business analysts which was a great way to get a feel of the culture.
Graduate, Sydney - 15 Nov 2016
Generally we have 2-3 rounds of interviews - firstly with Business Analysts or Associates, and then with 1-2 rounds of Partners. The interviews are a mix of discussion and a more formal case study, which tests your problem solving skills and how you think about problems. We are also trying to get a good read of your personality and whether you would be a good cultural fit for PJP - given we work closely together in teams this is extremely important
Graduate, Sydney - 10 Nov 2016
Case interviews form a key part of the interview process. Personal 'story' and background questions are also significant
Experienced, Sydney - 09 Nov 2016