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Laurinda Sebaratnam

Senior Analyst at Quantium

Bachelor of Actuarial Studies at Macquarie University

I like to get some exercise first thing in the morning, so I'll put on my shoes and go for a walk or a run, usually with my foster dog.

7.30 AM

I get out of bed – this usually takes me 15-20min while I am checking notifications on my phone. I then grab some breakfast, my go-to is weetbix or oatmeal!

8.00 AM

I’m a fan of starting the day with some exercise, so I’ll grab my shoes and head out for a walk or a run, usually with my foster dog. Since COVID, I’ve been fostering animals while working from home and have loved it! My current foster is a 6-year-old beagle named Bindi

9.00 AM

I am ready to start work! I usually work from home unless my team is going into the office so I’ve got a good work set-up at home, complete with a standing desk. My broader team (about 60 people across 5 smaller teams) then kicks off the day with a stand-up where a rep from each of the 5 smaller teams informs us about what they will be working on for the day.

9.30 AM

We then have our smaller team stand-up which is currently 6 people. We usually spend the first 10-15 minutes discussing wordle scores and what we had for dinner last night. We then jump in and talk about what we are each going to do throughout the day. As a senior in the team, this meeting is very useful as I am caught up on what each person is working on and what they may need support or guidance on

10.00 AM

I start planning out my day. This usually includes organising when I’ll catch up with various people in my team, looking at emails I need to reply to and figuring out what I need to deliver to the client for that day or week. As a consultant, I’m usually in between coding up my analysis or preparing slides for a client presentation. So depending on priorities for the day I’ll kick that off!

12.00 PM

I usually get hungry by about this time and will wander over to my fridge to see what I have in there. Usually, I have left-overs from the previous night (today is gnocchi!). I usually make it a point to get away from the computer, even if it’s only for 15 minutes, so I’ll usually head into my backyard on a nice sunny day and eat my lunch out there

1.00 PM

I head back to my desk and usually check my emails for anything I’ve missed or anything that requires an urgent response. After that, I may check in with different people in the team. We'll usually jump on a video conference and workshop ideas together and talk about the next steps for their piece of work

3.00 PM

Snack break! I usually go for a nut bar, yoghurt or some Nutella. After this, I jump back into my work

5.00 PM

Since COVID began, we’ve decided to do a team check-in meeting at 5 pm so that we get the opportunity to chat to each other about our day, similar to what you would usually do in the office. Our team kicks off the meeting with a random quiz question. Yesterday’s question was “Across all 8 seasons of MAFS, there have been 71 couples. How many of them are still together?” (the answer is 6!). We then talk about what we worked on over the day, what blockers there were and what we are going to work on the following day

5.45 PM

I usually finish off my tasks for the day and write up a plan for upcoming tasks, so I am prepared for the next day!