There is excellent diversity in the engineering workspace in regards to number of women and ethnicities. Definitely more than my previous companies where I did my internships. Retention is becoming an issue due to the difficulty the company has had in setting up engineering and procuring processes to actually achieve results. My lead who is one of the key reasons why I've gained so much technical knowledge is in fact leaving because of those reasons, which really upsets me. I believe promotion is an issue, due to the lack of performance reviews and KPIs sometimes, as well as the time it can take to process these promotions. It is difficult for me to speak on childcare and maternity leave, but from what I hear, it seems appropriate.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Dec 2021
Great diversity - lots of different backgrounds, ages and cultures. Plenty of online training around this as well.
Graduate, Melbourne - 24 Nov 2021
It is a diverse environment. No one is discriminated. RDA offers maternity / paternity leave.
Graduate, Adelaide - Holden Hill - 24 Nov 2021
The office is quite diverse, with people of all backgrounds.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Nov 2021
I feel everyone in the company is treated with equal respect, as it is a large company covering a variety of individuals.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Nov 2021