Have had 3 manager changes this year, the first was based in Germany and didn't have much to do with me. I was more managed by my lead engineer. The 2nd manager was here in Australia but again had nothing to do with me day to day and my lead continued to manage me. The 3rd and current manager is technically a vacated position, but the Capability Lead above that position is looking after me, they have had the most to do with me out of all of them, but it has only been a short period of time so far (less than a month).
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Dec 2021
The management are always happy to hear your concerns and do their best to help you get what you want professionally. There is a good amount of praise and understanding when you make mistakes - especially for graduates.
Graduate, Melbourne - 24 Nov 2021
The managers are great. Cultivate a good working environment. Available at any time.
Graduate, Adelaide - Holden Hill - 24 Nov 2021
The managers are very available, and any questions can be brought up, be it about work, the workload, hours, working from home, etc. My manager schedules regular check-ins to go over my workload to ensure there is equitable workload spread over the team where possible. If a lot of overtime is worked one week, often they will offer a day off or an early knockoff.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Nov 2021
Everyone always makes time for me, will come back and answer my questions, and support me through good work or bettering poor work.
Graduate, Brisbane - 24 Nov 2021