Gender Equality at Western Power
At Western Power, we are committed to advancing the opportunities and careers of Women, across all our job families and leadership levels. In particular, to drive initiatives that increase representation at senior leadership level. Our 2025 target for women in leadership is 50%.
Through the work conducted by the Diversity and Inclusion Principal, HR, Executives, Formal Leaders, as well as Western Power’s employee network group (Women’s), we are able to drive actions and outcomes that educate, advocate and celebrate Women at Western Power. By incorporating intersectionality, we are able to bridge the considerations and help overcome existing challenges for Women across the spectrum of society, which is reflected in the workplace.
With a national gender pay gap of 14.2%, we are committed to reviewing and rectifying any systemic or individual gender pay gaps. This review will be conducted every 2nd year. However, progress regarding career opportunities and leadership advancement will be measured annually, as part of our Employee Engagement survey. We are currently tracking at 37.5% of women in senior leadership roles in Western Power.
Beyond women in leadership, Western Power strives to attract and retain the best female talent in Australia. Our Women’s Employee Network Group (ENG) plays an important role in ensuring Women’s issues are understood and visible through seminars, symposiums, workshops etc, as well as hosting events and forums both within the firm and beyond to advance gender equality.
Our EVP (employee value proposition) supports targeted initiatives to help reach our 50:50 gender balance by 2025.
Western Power sponsors the three scholarships below: -
- Edith Cowan University – Western Power Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander scholarship - $10K a year for up to four years.
- University of WA – Women in Electrical & Electronic Engineering scholarship – to support a female student to undertake a Master of Professional Engineering specialising in Electrical and Electronic Engineering - $10K a year for two years.
- Curtin University – Western Power Women in STEM scholarship – $6K a year for up to four years.
Memberships: -
- Diversity Council of Australia- Diversity Council Australia (
- Work180 - WORK180: Endorsing great workplaces for women