LGBTQ+ at Cenitex
This is one of 6 of our important D&I streams, the others being the Gender; Cultural; Disability; Intergenerational and Aboriginal streams.
We are delighted to announce Cenitex is supporting the Victorian Public Sector (VPS) Pride Network through an in-kind program of activity as they upgrade their ICT systems.
We are proud to partner the Pride Network in support of the great work it does in connecting Departmental Pride Networks and Pride representatives.
Celebration and hosting an IDOHOBIT event with a 2 key speakers to raise awareness on minority sexuality and gender identities. The panel speakers shared their insight on how people who are intersex, can face negative attitudes, stereotypes and prejudices that lead to discrimination, exclusion, harassment and violence.
Acknowledged Dates of Significance
- International Transgender Day of visibility
- IDOHOBIT Day panel discussion
- International Non-Binary Day
Key Focus Areas
- Raising Awareness by acknowledgment and celebrate LGBTIQ+ days of significance and adding more stream members.
- Engaging with DPC and VPS LGBTIQ+ Pride Network.