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Working Hours at Cenitex

9.6 rating for Working Hours, based on 25 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
There is a policy of coming in 2 days a week; however, in actual practice the number of days in-person depends on the team. There is also a lot of focus on sustainable working and work-life-balance as well as flexible working options; such as starting the work day earlier and ending later.
Graduate, Melbourne - 31 Jul 2024
Work time is very flexible and according to work need. 7-8 hours per day on average.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Jul 2024
It is very flexible. You are required to work from the office two days which I tried to go the same dates as my team, however if sometimes those days are going to be part regarding with my personal life, I go in another day in the week. I always work from 9am to 5pm, but it is open for discussion to talk with your manager regarding starting a bit later and finishing a bit later.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Jul 2024
Only two days required in office. To my knowledge, no one is punished for not being able to make the minimum requirement. There is the option for anyone to have flexible work hours, if perhaps they live far away or have other commitments. People are allowed and even encouraged to use their leave when they want.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Jul 2024
7.6 hours/day need to go to office twice a week
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Jul 2024
Normally from 9am to 5pm, and the work hours in Cenitex is really flexible.
Graduate, Melbourne - 21 Sep 2023
We are only required to come to office 2 days a week (not strict) and the working hours are quite flexible too (depending on the team and the agendas). More deliverables focused.
Graduate, Melbourne - 21 Sep 2023
Quite flexible, as a graduate it can range depending on the amount of work you're willing to take on.
Graduate, Melbourne - 21 Sep 2023
2 days a week in the office. Flexible though if require other arrangements. Flexible start/end times as well if needed. Flexibility to do compressed hours as well to get an extra day off per week or month. Options can be discussed with your manager and HR.
Graduate, Melbourne - 21 Sep 2023
Normal working hour is from 9 am to 5pm. But it's very flexible. You can start a bit early and finish early.
Graduate, Melbourne - 21 Sep 2023
Cenitex is very much comfortable with us working from home and also in office. This is where it gets interesting for me as I started loving to work in office more than home because the more I go to office I meet new colleagues and have coffee chats with them and see what's everyone's doing while networking. In terms of hours its also quite good as if anyone has a chat with their manager and let them know before hand or on the time if there's anything you can't do or work for some time maybe because of any appointments or so, they won't have a bad impression on you.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Sep 2023
Very fliexbile, can choose where you work and when (this is more related to my team policy, not sure on the company policy on work hours)
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Jul 2022
You can work with your manager to achieve flexible working hours.
Graduate, Brisbane - 19 Jul 2022
Generally work the standard 37-40 hour week. Flexibility is provided in the sense of choice to work at home or at the office. My manager has been fine when it comes to taking time out of the day to attend things like dental appointments.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Jul 2022
Quite flexible, you should be putting in hours of course but if you're not up at 9am because your first meeting starts at 10, no one is going to scold you for it. This does also mean you have to be good at managing yourself.
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Jul 2022
I can choose to start early and finish early if I want.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Jul 2022
With hybrid working arrangement (flexibly working from office and home), the hours are quite flexible for my role as long as I fulfil my responsibilities and complete the required weekly hours on the contract.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Jul 2022
The company is very flexible on work hours and I'm consistently working 9:00am-5:00pm.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Jul 2022
Work hours are pretty flexible. 9-5 is standard, but if required, managers are open to negotiating what works for you and the team.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Jul 2022
7.6 per day can work hybrid
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Jul 2022